Disclaimer: we will have a statement that details if the product is from SideHit or directly from the manufacturer listed in the product’s description. Do not order a direct-from manufacturer product and delivered-by-SideHit product in the same order and have the shipping option as in-person pick-up. Order SideHit delivered product, check out, then you can do the same with manufacturer delivered product OR you can do it in one order but you’ll have to add a shipping option for the manufacturer.
US Domestic Shipping
We have a mix of different products, some that are shipped straight from the manufacturer and some are shipped personally by us at SideHit.
For products shipped from the manufacturer: Times will depend on product but estimates are 6-9 standard business days and shipping rates will be flat rate standard US shipping rates. For more information go to this page for the manufacturers explanation if you need more information to answer your questions.
International Shipping
International shipping is unavailable at the moment but we are working on that to make it a reality!!!!!
Return & Exchanges
For products shipped strait from manufacturer: Any claims for misprinted/damaged/defective items must be submitted within 30 days after the product has been received. For packages lost in transit, all claims must be submitted no later than 30 days after the estimated delivery date. Please contact with proof of payment/order received, detailed message explaining reason for return within 30 days of receiving it. (see manufactures site for details)
For products shipped by team SideHit: Same as above, let us know via email (see email above) within 30 days to receive return. Disclaimer: products that are shipped by us here at SideHit are limited supply so we are able to vet each product for quality assurance. This means returns for these products will be highly examined as we will personally make sure, before shipping, that nothing is wrong with the product, print/design, or any other physical characteristic.
Exchanges: If product does not fit as you intended, we will happily exchange yours for another size if needed. (This only applies for products shipped by SideHit) - Products that are shipped directly from the manufacturer are unfortunately unable to be exchanged
30 Days to Return
See return section above for this information.